
Electronic Resources


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UpTodate Secondary Database 前往
DynaMed Secondary Database 前往
Dynamic Health 護理技能與實證資料庫 Secondary Database 前往
First Consult @ CK Secondary Database 前往
Cochrane Library Secondary Database 前往
考科藍實證醫學資料庫(中文摘要) Secondary Database 前往
ACP Journal Club Secondary Database 前往
Evidence-Based Medicine Secondary Database 前往
Evidence-Based Mental Health Secondary Database 前往
Evidence-Based Nursing Secondary Database 前往
International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare Secondary Database 前往
Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice Secondary Database 前往
PubMed Primary Database 前往
Ovid Medline Primary Database 前往
Embase Primary Database 前往
EBSCO CINAHL Primary Database 前往
Nursing & Allied Health Premium Primary Database 前往
CEPS中文電子期刊服務 Primary Database 前往
Trip Medical Database Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. 前往
實證醫學知識網 前往
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine: Oxford The Centre has been established in Oxford as the first of several centres around the country whose broad aim is to promote evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. Our prospectus outlines the specific aims of the Centre and the goals we have identified, as well as the means we propose to use in achieving those goals. 前 往
DUMC Library-- Evidence-based Medicine 前往
EBM Education Center of Excellence Teaching and Leading EBM: A Workshop for Teachers and Champions of Evidence-Based Medicine.. 前往
OT Seeker Evidence-Based Practical Resources This page offers freely accessible resources, power-point presentations and links to evidence-based practice resources. Click on one of the selections below for more information. 前往
SUNY Downstate Evidence-Based Practice Resources 前 往
Students 4 Best Evidence 前往
Resources of Evidence-Based: McMaster University 前往
Centre for Health Evidence 前 往
Clinical Calculator--Medical College of Wisconsin 前往
CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) and Evidence-based Practice. 前往
TEBNA 台灣實證護理學會 前往
實證健康照護知識館(TWNA EBHC Library) 是台灣護理學會為促使護理人員提供最佳實證健康照護、提升醫療照護品質,建置此平台以分享、交流與應用最新實證健康照護相關的知識。 本平台的目的結合全體護理人員的共同努力搜尋最新實證健康照護相關的知識,以公正、客觀的審查機制及系統性的方法,維護實證健康照護知識館。 前往
Cochrane Taiwan(考科藍臺灣) 發展考科藍文獻回顧,亦透過與台灣實證醫學學會的合作網絡,與國內有志於進行系統性文獻回顧的研究者進一步合作,讓臺灣亦能逐步成為考科藍文獻回顧的重鎮,進而大幅提升考科藍文獻回顧的研究結果能廣泛且有效地應用至健康照護、政策決定及民眾福祉上。 前往
TJBCC 台灣實證卓越中心(Taiwan Evidence Based Practice Center: A JBI Center of Excellence)屬於澳洲阿德雷德大學之國際實證組織JBI(https://jbi.global/))的合作中心。為一跨機構及跨領域的實證中心。 前往

