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The embryo : scientific discovery and medical ethics

作 者: editors, Shraga Blazer,Etan Z. Zimmer

出 版 項: Karger

索 書 號: 198.41 / E535 / 2005


The cambridge medical ethics workbook :case studies, commentaries, and activities

作 者: [edited by] Michael Parker, Donna Dickenson

出 版 項: Cambridge university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / C178 / 2001


The body of compassion : ethics, medicine, and the church

作 者: Joel James Shuman

出 版 項: Westview Press

索 書 號: 198.41 / S562b / 1999


SARS的生聚教訓 : 從個案軌跡談倫理思省

作 者: 黃崑巖等

出 版 項: 業強

索 書 號: 198.41 / 8368 / 2003


SARS 療傷、省思、再出發 : 基層護理人員政策建言

作 者: 台灣大學醫學院護理學系所

出 版 項: 台灣大學醫學院護理學系所

索 書 號: 419.8 / 8536 / 2003


Reproductive health and human rights : integrating medicine, ethics, and law

作 者: Rebecca J. Cook, Bernard M. Dickens, Mahmoud F. Fathalla

出 版 項: Clarendon Press

索 書 號: 198.41 / C771r / 2003


Religion and medical ethics : looking back, looking forward

作 者: edited by Allen Verhey

出 版 項: W.b. eerdmans pub. co.

索 書 號: 198.41 / R381 / 1996


Principles of biomedical ethics

作 者: Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress

出 版 項: Oxford university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / B372 / 2001


On moral medicine: theological perspectives in medical ethics (2nd ed.)

作 者: edited by Stephen E. Lammers, Allen Verhey

出 版 項: William b. eerdmans pub.

索 書 號: 198.41 / O58 / 1998


On being human : where ethics, medicine, and spirituality converge

作 者: Daisaku Ikeda,Rene Simard,Guy Bourgeault

出 版 項: Middleway Press

索 書 號: 198.41 / I26 / 2003


Neonatal bioethics : the moral challenges of medical innovation

作 者: John D. Lantos,William L. Meadow

出 版 項: Johns Hopkins University Press

索 書 號: 198.41 / L296n / 2006


Methods in medical ethics

作 者: Jeremy Sugarman, Daniel P. Sulmasy

出 版 項: Georgetown university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / M592 / 2001


Medical ethics in the ancient world

作 者: Paul Carrick

出 版 項: Georgetown university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / C316 / 2001


Life before birth : the moral and legal status of embryos and fetuses

作 者: Bonnie Steinbock

出 版 項: Oxford university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / S819 / 1992


Informed consent in medical research

作 者: edited by Len Doyal, Jeffrey Tobias

出 版 項: BMJ

索 書 號: 198.41 / I43 / 2001


Informed consent : patient autonomy and clinician beneficence within health care (2nd ed.)

作 者: Stephen Wear

出 版 項: Georgetown University Press

索 書 號: 198.41 / W362i / 1998


If I were a rich man could I buy a pancreas? : and other essays on the ethics of health care

作 者: Arthur L. Caplan

出 版 項: Indiana university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / C244i / 1992


Genetic ethics : do the ends justify the genes?

作 者: edited by John F. Kilner, Rebecca Davis Pentz, Frank E. Young, Center for Bioethics and Human Dignit

出 版 項: W.b. eerdmans pub. co.

索 書 號: 198.41 / C397 / 1997


Euthanasia in the Netherlands : the policy and practice of mercy killing

作 者: Raphael Cohen-Almagor

出 版 項: Kluwer Academic Publishers

索 書 號: 198.41 / C678e / 2004


Ethics in forensic science and medicine : guidelines for the forensic expert and the attorney

作 者: edited by Melvin A. Shiffman

出 版 項: C. C. Thomas

索 書 號: 198.41 / E84 / 1999


Early warning : cases and ethical guidance for presymptomatic testing in genetic diseases

作 者: David H. Smith

出 版 項: Indiana university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / E12 / 1998


Covenants of life : contemporary medical ethics in light of the thought of Paul Ramsey

作 者: edited by Kenneth L. Vaux, Sara Vaux, Mark Stenberg

出 版 項: Kluwer Academic Publishers

索 書 號: 198.41 / C873 / 2002


Clinical ethics : a practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine

作 者: Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler, William J. Winslade, Winslade, William J.

出 版 項: Mcgraw hill, medical pub. Division

索 書 號: 198.41 / J81c / 2006


Clinical ethics : a practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine (6th ed.)

作 者: Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler, William J. Winslade

出 版 項: McGraw Hill, Medical Pub. Division

索 書 號: 198.41 / J81c / 2006


Classic works in medical ethics : core philosophical readings

作 者: edited by Gregory E. Pence

出 版 項: Mcgraw-hill

索 書 號: 198.41 / C614 / 1998


Classic cases in medical ethics : accounts of cases that have shaped medical ethics, with philosophical, legal, and historical backgrounds

作 者: Gregory E. Pence

出 版 項: Mcgraw-hill

索 書 號: 198.41 / P397c / 2004


Children, ethics, and modern medicine

作 者: Richard B. Miller

出 版 項: Indiana university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / M649c / 2003


Children in medical research : access versus protection

作 者: Lainie Friedman Ross

出 版 項: Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press

索 書 號: 198.41 / R824c / 2006


An introduction to healthcare organizational ethics

作 者: Robert T. Hall

出 版 項: Oxford university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / H178i / 2000


Allocating scarce medical resources : Roman Catholic perspectives

作 者: H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.

出 版 項: Georgetown university press

索 書 號: 198.41 / A441 / 2002

